Impact on the Organization

Often, your customer’s first impression of your organization comes via the telephone. Your company’s image is defined by how your customer’s call is answered, and the telephone service he or she receives. If that first impression is positive, you’ve taken a powerful step towards establishing a positive, long-term relationship. If it’s negative, you may never recover. Effective telephone communication skills are central to your company’s overall customer service plan, critical to succeeding with difficult customers, and utterly indispensable to your organization’s bottom line.

Learning Objectives

  • Enhance company image through effective telephone communication
  • Identify techniques for improving telephone communication
  • Improve listening skills
  • Practice handling realistic incoming calls
  • Master techniques for handling “problem calls” more effectively

Program Description

In this highly interactive module, participants discuss the importance of telephone communication, learn how it differs from other types of communication, and show how it can enhance or destroy a company’s image. Participants are given tips for improving their company’s image through more effective telephone communication, and learn specific ways to improve their personal telephone styles. They are introduced to the difference between listening and “waiting to talk.” They see what makes a good listener, how to give listening feedback, and how to overcome listening barriers. Finally, they learn proven strategies to deal with long-winded and/or angry callers. Throughout, they are given multiple opportunities to apply this module’s tools and techniques to the specific challenges they face in their own workplaces.

Time Investment

Typically 4 hours


This program can be customized to reflect your organization’s procedures, policies, cases, examples, and terminology. Please inquire about these optional consulting services.
