Impact on the Organization

Leader-Led Development℠ is a unique approach to talent development that engages the leaders of the company in doing a better job of “growing” their people and provides them both the tools and techniques for doing so and the knowhow on how to utilize them. This enables your leaders to greatly accelerate the learning of company personnel and increase the consistency and effectiveness in the ways they carry out their responsibilities. This makes learning a competitive advantage for the company and significantly impacts performance.

Learning Objectives

  • Make the connection between being a good leader and a good teacher.
  • Practice using the specific skills and techniques for leader-led development®.
  • Understand the development resources and tools available in the organization.
  • Create a plan for enhancing the leaders’ development efforts.

Program Description

This topic helps a leader (re)define his/her role within an organization to include being a “teacher”.  Often leaders do not see developing the talent of their team as their responsibility and do not have the knowhow and skills for doing so successfully. This workshop covers the essential skills and techniques that are required, with an emphasis on facilitating learning by using examples in the workplace as “teachable moments”. Participants will learn what resources and tools are available to them, including those outside the organization.  Creation of an individual plan for improved development efforts is a practical product of this workshop.

Time Investment

Typically 4 hours.


This program is customized to the needs of your organization.  Kindly inquire about our consulting services to help you put Leader-led Development℠ in place.
