Impact on the Organization

In today’s fast-paced businesses, leaders must continually adapt  their leadership and communication styles to new situations. “Flexibility” is  key: not treating every individual  and situation the same. After setting the organization’s overall direction,  today’s effective leader draws from a menu of approaches for inspiring the  workforce and increasing involvement and “ownership” at all levels. Simply put,  only flexible leaders can earn the confidence and trust they need to achieve  their goals – and sustain success for  the long term.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the importance of effective  leadership
  • Identify your own Leadership Style
  • Know the core skills required to develop  employees
  • Increase your ability to evaluate the  Readiness Level of your employees
  • Practice the application of these skills

Program Description

Flexible Leadership focuses on helping  leaders gain a working knowledge of their own leadership style to better  understand how to work with employees more successfully. Leadership and communication styles are  explored through the use of an assessment. Participants learn about the  qualities of leaders and how to create a vision. Once they understand their own style, they  learn how to adapt their style based on the needs of their employees.

Time Investment

Typically 4 – 6 hours of instruction.


This program can be customized to reflect your organization’s procedures, policies, cases, examples, and terminology. Please inquire about these optional consulting services.
